Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Bettering the community, and not yourself

In the story the frog and their king, the frogs are selfish, and only think about what they, themselves want. They never consider that by having a ruler they would be making other frogs unhappy, or would be affecting Jupiter by asking him. This story shows that because of selfishness, and stupidity, the frogs got what they deserved (being eaten alive by a stork). Aesop was clever in making this part of the moral, because it shows readers what not to do, therefore giving good advice. An example of Aesop's moral in modern day life could be, because a man wanted to get to work quickly, and drive fast, he crashed into another car, potentially killing or injuring someone in the process.

Monday, September 16, 2013

9/16/2013-The Four Characters in Aesop's Fables

9/16/2013                                      The Four Characters in Aesop's Fables

               The Satyr- The Satyr was a deity of the forest who had a warm home safe from the cold. The Satyr is generous to let the traveler stay in his house, and kindly complies to the travelers needs (being warmth, and food). The Satyr is calm, kind, and peaceful, as well as curious. All these traits are shown by the Satyr's dialogue. In the end the traveler contradicts himself too much until the Satyr gets mad and kicks him out of his house. These are all human like qualities that can easily be applied to many situations, so, the moral helpful.
               The Traveler- The traveler is a helpless, wanderer in the forest. The Satyr is kind and takes him in because the traveler is dying of cold. The traveler is full of wants, but while satisfying them, doesn't realize the Satyr is taking care of his more important needs. The traveler doesn't acknowledge this and the Satyr kicks him out. This shows the human quality of stupidity, which no matter how smart we are, we can never overcome (but apparently Satyrs can).

               The Lion- The lion is a devious, and daring trickster. He plans to trick a horse, thinking it's stupid and won't be expecting the trick. As you can guess the lion underestimates the horse, and the horse kicks the lion in the face. The lion reflects his choices of tricking the horse, and decides the horse rightfully got away because the lion's plan was foolish and not thorough. The lion's qualities relate to human's qualities, in the way that both are ambitious and not always completely lucid when thinking of plans. In addition the lion also reflects humans in the manner that like humans, he was trying to take the easy way out.
               The Horse- The horse is a clever, and fast animal that can outrun the lion. horse realizes that it shouldn't trust the lion even though the lion claims to be a "doctor" (even if he was, he probably wouldn't be a good one). The horse comes up with the plan to give the lion a good lesson by kicking the lion as hard as he can straight in the face. The horse then quickly runs away to make sure he isn't eaten by the lion if he wasn't knocked unconscious (he was, and almost dead). The horse shows the want to survive, spontaneous, and clever thinking, as well as showing it has good judgement.