Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Satyr And The Creepy Body Arn't So Different After All

First thing I noticed, was that the Satyr who was kinda mean but overall had good intentions which is a thing he shared with the Body. The body unlike the Satyr is dealing with itself, being the stomach. The stomach isn't doing work but is eating (like a good stomach should) but the body thinks that eating isn't working for the stomach (obviously in this story the body didn't include the brain) and so the body condemns the stomach to stop eating, or do work. This shows some cruelty but overall good intentions because the body wants the stomach to share the burden. The stomach and body both die because the body is mislead in its intentions. This parallels the satyr, because he too has good intentions by bringing the traveler into his house and by doing so saving the traveler's life. In this story too one party is mislead, but in this one it's the traveler who contradicts whatever the satyr has just done for him. The traveler angers the satyr until the satyr kicks him out. In both "the satyr and traveler," and "the stomach and the body," good intentions are overpowered by stupidity.