Friday, May 30, 2014

Acquiring Hippolyta's Belt

After receiving orders from Eurystheus to get the belt of Hippolyta, Hercules set off on a long boat journey to get to Themiscyra, the island of the Amazons. Once at the island, Hercules talked to Hippolyta, queen of the Amazonians, who agreed to hand over her belt willingly even though it was a gift from the god Ares. Hera, queen of the gods, could not let Hercules get through his journey so quickly, so she disguised herself as an Amazon woman and spread discontent among the minions of Hippolyta. Hera's new story was that the foreigners (Hercules), was going to kidnap the queen. Hippolyta's armies then marcher on Hercules, who in turn slew them all in defense and the belief that he had been betrayed. Herccules also killed Hippolyta and then took her belt.

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